Send Your Child a Birthday Gram!

For just $5, your child will receive a special birthday goodie package on their birthday or half birthday.  Complete this form (also available in the office) and return it with a $5 payment.  We will mark our calendars and be sure your child gets their special birthday surprise on their birthday (or Friday before if …

PTA is an organization that has been working on behalf of children and families for over 120 years.  Child labor laws, school lunches, kindergarten — all these things came to be as a result of PTA advocacy.  Be a part of this amazing legacy by joining Jordan PTA today. CLICK HERE TO JOIN PTA

Smencils & Spirit Sticks Now Available In The PTA Store!

Smencils are No. 2 scented pencils made completely from recycled newspapers. They come in awesome scents like bubble gum, grape soda, watermelon, cotton candy, and more. These high-quality products have a scent that lasts for up to two years, and children love to collect the various designs and scents. Smencils cost $1 each. Spirit Sticks …